What Albert Mangeldorff did for the trombone and Evan Parker did for the soprano saxophone, Andreas Stahel has done for the flute: an astounding expansion of the polyphonic.
Tom Gsteiger, der Landbote, 4. Juni 2008, St.Galler Tagblatt, 5. Juni 2008
Singing is audible breath, and playing a wind instrument like singing in another medium. Singing and the sounds of the flute are like relatives, and with the Swiss Andreas Stahel, they become one. When Stahel puts one of his oversized bass flutes to his lips and breathes, blows, intersperses song and makes sounds when breathing in, everything combines into an endless chain of sounds.
Rainer Schlenz, SWR2 Trommelfell, 14.8. 2009
Stahel creates an unusually beautiful sonorous realm from a fusion of stupendous technique, many years experience in composition and a refined taste.
Rainer Fröhlich, Jazz’n’more, Mai/Juni 2004
[…] Andreas Stahel is almost unique in the way he incorporates the maxim of a wind instrument as an amplification of his own body.
Georg Modestin, Der Bund, 15.Mai 2008
This is music from before the dominance of machine and technology - breath and sound are the same.
Christoph Merki, Tages Anzeiger, 9. August 2008